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Showing posts from February, 2007

Italian-Irish Connection

My family and I were recently graced with the presence of a good friend who came over (nearly at a moment's notice) from Nashville to visit us here in our home for two days. His name is Micheal Guido. I count it a privilege to call him a friend. 'Guido', as we call him, is a man with a big heart. He has been called to serve the Art & Entertainment industry through the ministry of presence. What he does - the way in which he serves people working within that industry - is often misunderstood. Guido comes alongside people and simply makes himself available to support them in all of life's varying experiences - especially in their journey with Jesus. In this way PR Ministries serves in a similar capacity as the Holy Spirit - the paraclete - to come alongside, remind us of Jesus' words and guide us into all truth while giving comfort , encouragement and rebuke when necessary. Guido, his wife Celeste, and their family have sacrificed so much

Jesus Christ - King of the Brews

"Do you suppose that abuses are eliminated by destroying the object which is abused? Men can go wrong with wine and women. Shall we then prohibit and abolish women?” -Martin Luther * Historically, God’s people have greatly enjoyed alcohol. In the European world one of the most Christian drinks was beer. * Saint Gall was a missionary to the Celts and renowned brewer. * After Charlemagne’s reign, the church became Europe ’s exclusive brewer. * When a young woman was to marry, her church made a special bride ale for her, from which we derive our word bridal. * Pastor John Calvin’s annual salary package included upwards of 250 gallons of wine. * Martin Luther explained the entire reformation as “..while I sat still and drank beer with Phillip and Amsdorf, God dealt the papacy a mighty blow.” * Luther’s wife Catherine was a skilled brewer and his love letters to her when they were apart lamented his inability to drink her beer. * When the Puritans